Michael and Matt’s
Gay Travel Blog
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8 Things to Do in Osaka Japan for First Time Visitors
As we drifted through Southern Japan’s countryside towards Osaka, I couldn’t help but get excited thinking about the street-food I’ve heard so much about. Pulling into Osaka station, I noticed our host, Eriko, ecstatically holding a handmade sign with prominent letters, “Welcome to Osaka!” Visiting Japan in 2017, we were already well acquainted with the incredible hospitality that’s ingrained in Japanese culture, but I couldn’t help but crack a grin as we were greeted with hugs and excitement to show us her beautiful city.

8 Must-See Beaches in Puerto Vallarta
The top 8 must-see beaches in Puerto Vallarta when you’re on vacation. These are the best beaches to visit with friends and family. Many coastal Mexican cities like Puerto Vallarta have gorgeous beaches that are blue flag certified. Visit these beaches if you’re in a hurry.

Rome in One Week | Essential Budget Travel | What To See, Eat & Do!
In this blog I will share some of my favorite spots around the city, from off-the-beaten path restaurants, fantastic accommodations, to what to see when you're in a pinch for time. Rome is the ultimate romantic and beautiful destination that needs to be on the top of your list of where to visit! Here is the essential budget travel guide for seeing Rome in one week!