How to Recycle Your Dental Products


With a dentist in the house, we have plenty of dental products, many of which come in containers made of plastic. Until recently, we had no idea that we can recycle our dental products through Crest and Oral-Bโ€™s new program โ€œRecycle on Usโ€. #ad As we celebrate Global Recycling Day on March 18th, we wanted to show you how we are reducing our impact on the environment with this simple new tip!

Recycle On Us.

With Crest & Oral-B

Dentists recommend the importance of brushing for 2 minutes, 2 times a day. But do you know what to do with your oral care products after youโ€™re done with them?

We first have to remember the hierarchy of reducing our waste.

Every year, billions of pounds of trash enter our oceans. This affects more than just marine life, it affects all life on earth and our planet as a whole. Though we cannot solve pollution individually, if we make it a priority to reduce, reuse and recycle, we can play a collective role in keeping our planet healthy and livable.

#1 REDUCE โ€” Limiting your use of plastics, especially single-use plastics is vital. From choosing bulk items and bringing your own bags, there are simple ways to make improvements in your recycling habits

#2 REUSE โ€” Refill that plastic soap dispenser, or even better, refill a glass dispenser! Do you use batteries for your household electronics? Invest in purchasing a set of rechargeable batteries instead of buying a 20-pack of throw-aways. Conserve energy by using LED lightbulbs instead of incandescent bulbs that donโ€™t last quite as long.

#3 RECYCLE โ€” If you have worked on reducing and reusing and you are ready to dispose of your leftover containers and products in a responsible way, RECYCLE!


Reduce Your Waste

Since many dental products have a limited lifetime it is important to make sure we reduce our impact on the environment by recycling each and every one of them. Crest and Oral-B are making it easier than ever to recycle all your used dental products! Weโ€™re talking toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes, and even empty floss containers.

Itโ€™s fast, free, and easy to do.

If youโ€™re like us, this might be news to you. Until recently, we had no idea that it was possible to recycle dental products like old toothbrushes and used-up tubes of toothpaste. This is incredibly exciting that we can now recycle our dental products responsibly so they donโ€™t end up in landfills or our oceans!

The Crest and Oral-B โ€œRecycle on Usโ€ program makes it incredibly easy to give your used products a new life.

First, go to the Recycle On Us page here to signup and get your free shipping label.

How To Recycle Your Dental Products

1. Collect

Gather all your used oral care waste, including spent toothbrushes, floss containers, toothpaste tubes, and pack them into any size un-marked box. It doesnโ€™t have to be just Crest and Oral-B products (although those are our familyโ€™s favorites), as they will recycle any dental brands! Itโ€™s not necessary to clean the items, but youโ€™ll want to make sure you squeeze out any leftover toothpaste or empty leftover mouthwash before sending.

2. Print

When the box is full, seal it up and download a free shipping label, print it out, and get the box ready to ship.

3. Mail

Ship the full box to the processing facility for recycling. To get the most out of your shipment, try to make sure your box is as full as possible. You can keep a bin in the bathroom where you can collect all of these items and then mail them out when the bin gets too full. Or maybe even share this news with your friends and neighbors to increase the number of items sent in one box!

Itโ€™s as easy as that! Now you and your family can help keep those pearly whites bright while keeping our beaches clean!



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