Michael and Matt’s
Gay Travel Blog
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Buying Our First Home as a Gay Couple | First Time Home-Owners and What to Expect
Buying a home can be a daunting task. It’s the average human’s largest purchase they will make in their life and there are a lot of unknowns; especially when it’s your first time going through the process. We wanted to share our home buying experience to outline what we experienced and help you know what to expect.
When we moved to Oregon, we set a goal: To be done renting in two years. It was a number we had discussed with financial advisors regarding home purchase vs. renting when coming out of school. They explained two to three years as a sweet spot to rent and build up some savings for a down payment. If you felt ready in two to three years, start looking! We found an amazing rental house when we first moved and were very comfortable with two years in the space as we saved for our down payment and got a few years of work under our belts.